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choosing a private investigator

Choosing a Private Investigator

It can be a difficult decision to make when choosing a private investigator. You may have summoned a lot of courage in coming to the decision to get a private investigator to help you obtain the evidence you are looking for. You may be required to research investigation firms for good corporate governance before choosing a private investigator. This post is to help give you some idea of the types of things to look for when choosing a private investigator and to give you an idea of what to look for when deciding if an investigator is right for you.



Are they licensed?

It is illegal for someone to pose as a private investigator. You check to see if the person is a private investigator and that they are licensed in your state.

In Queensland the Office of Fair Trading licences private investigators. If you know the name of your investigator or their licence number, then you can search the register to ensure that they are licensed. The register can be accessed by clicking HERE.

A private investigator in New South Wales must display their master licence number on advertising. You can check a NSW private investigator licence by clicking HERE.

Past employment

Some people like to choose ex-police officers because of their past. Civil investigations are quite different to criminal investigations. The resources (manpower, money, technical equipment) are not as available to the private investigator, this is because you the client foots the bill, not the State. This adjustment can take time for an ex-police officer to transfer away from. A private investigator with a long career will be just as good, if not better, then an ex-police officer. These investigators have developed their skills on those limited resources over a long period of time.

Call the firm

You can call the firm and ask to speak with the investigator. This will allow you to get a feel for their professionalism. If they cannot tell you who will be working on your matter then you will know the investigation has been contracted out.

See if you can meet with them in person. If you meet them in person you can determine if they stand out in a crowd. An investigator may stand out in a crowd if they are large or tall or have a distinctive scar. If they stand out in a crowd and this would not be the investigator you want on a surveillance matter. You may also be able to see the vehicle they are driving. When you look at the vehicle you need to ask yourself if the vehicle stands out to you. If it does then this could be a problem when conducting vehicle surveillance.

Will the investigation be contracted to someone else?

Most companies will contract to another investigator, this is a common within the industry. That means the investigator they use is working for less than you paid, diluting the true value of the investigation you pay for. You can guarantee that the investigation will be contracted to the lowest bidder. This will compromise the quality of the service you are paying for, it may even cost you more in the form of travel charges to get someone to the location of the investigation.

In NSW a company who is going to use a contractor must inform you before the contractor starts working on your matter.

Ask to see some of the equipment they use

This is an important point in regard to a surveillance investigation. A disturbing trend that is developing in the industry is investigators using a mobile phone for all of the footage they gather. If the person you are using does not have an actual camcorder/video camera, then you have to look elsewhere. Camcorders/video cameras are important because they are developed to take high quality footage, have ample zoom to keep the person in shot, and have stabilising features that assist in keeping the footage steady over long distances. Aside from camcorders there are covert video cameras, drones, dashcams, night vision recording equipment and video editing software.

An experienced investigator understands that all of these items are required. They understand that what is needed will be unknown until they are on the job. If an investigator does not have the correct equipment then they are not truly set up to conduct proper investigations. And if they are sub-contracting the job to another investigator then you cannot know if that investigator is properly equipped.


Reviews on Google, Facebook etc may be a good place to start but you must understand something about reviews, very few people who hire a private investigator will leave a review. This is due to the private nature of their issue. Think about your situation, can you see yourself leaving a review when the matter concludes? The investigator with less reviews is generally more honest than the person with a large amount. There is an industry for people who give fake reviews for a prescribed fee.

External Training

Has the investigator you used received or taken on further training or education? Times change and while methods can be kept up with by being in the industry, it is still important for investigators to gain further skills or to reinforce previously learnt materials. Every day is an opportunity to learn in this industry and the investigator you choose should not be shutting themselves off from that.


If the investigator cannot begin to understand what you are going through then how can they truly help? If they can't understand the level of courage you used to call and discuss such a personal matter, then how are they going to treat your matter.

These are just some of the things to look for in an investigation company. If you have any further questions then please give us a call. Click here to learn more about us.

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