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Contact Us; GBR Investigations


If you require any further information then take advantage of our fully confidential, obligation free consultation. Call or email us now.
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Contact Garreth Now
P: 0433 159 830
Whatsapp: +61433159830
Signal: +61433159830
E: [email protected]


It is easy to find a firm to use for your investigation, but do you know who will be conducting the investigation? Most Investigation companies are just marketing companies. They will market to get the investigation in, then contract out to the cheapest bidder. The price paid by you is not paid to the operator, which dilutes the value of the investigation you paid for. Also, the cheaper operators are those who have to price accordingly to get work or are new to the industry and are taking what they can get.
Our point of difference from our competitors is that Garreth conducts all the investigations for his clients. This is important because the value is not being diluted. It is also important because the updates you receive will be coming from the person who is right there, watching the events unfold. He also has all the intimate knowledge of the matter and can shift focus to maintain your objective if necessary.
We can and do use other operators. This happens where multiple operatives are needed, and where there is a need for more than one operative, Garreth is still on your matter. Because Garreth has been active in the field for over 18 years, he has built a list of reliable investigators that he uses, so you know that your investigation will still be managed and conducted to the highest degree possible.
Know who is conducting your investigation. That way you can trust in the process and the result.


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