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People generally want to know whether the information they provide and anything we find will remain confidential. It is obvious that private investigators generally receive very private information relating to some matters. There are several different ways that the information receives protection and there are protections in common law which keep your information confidential. It does not matter if the information is of a personal or business nature.

Confidentiality Agreement

Clients generally feel more secure in the knowledge that a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement has been signed. If you have a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement then we will be happy to sign it. We are often asked to provide the confidentiality agreement however this should be written up by you. It would be a conflict of interest if we were to write it up. If an investigation firm offers to draw up a confidentiality agreement for you, then carefully scrutinize the agreement or have a lawyer do that for you.

Legal Privilege

Legal professional privilege may apply to an investigation which is conducted in contemplation of litigation. This protection protects the investigator from being required to hand over information to others.

Common Law

The information may be protected without the need for a confidentiality agreement or legal privilege. Information will be confidential if it has the quality of confidence and is given to the recipient in a manner that imparts an obligation of confidence. Information of a private nature can come from a variety of areas. The law has said that confidentiality will be imposed when someone receives information and they realize that the information was given to them in confidence. The private investigator you hire may be legally obligated to keep the information confidential.

Confidentiality - Take Away

Confidentiality is an important aspect relating to the information you pass to an investigator. A confidentiality agreement will help but you may not need one. The information and the circumstances of the way the information is communicated may mean that the information has to remain confidential.


When you speak with us, your matter will remain confidential. Regardless of what it is, how it is communicated and what the nature of it is unless there is a forced disclosure through legal means. Learn more ABOUT US.

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